Letters to the Editor Information
Remember that letters to the editor must include the writer’s name, full address and phone number for verification; only the name and town will be published. If sending an e-mail, please write “Letter to the Editor” in the subject line.
Danbury News Times E-Mail: letters@newstimes.com Fax: (203) 792-8730 Mail: |
New Milford Spectrum E-Mail: letters@newstimes.com Fax: Mail: |
Litchfield County Times E-Mail: editor@countytimes.com Fax: (860) 210-2150 Mail: |
Waterbury Republican E-Mail: smacoy@rep-am.com Fax: (203) 596-9277 Mail: |
Housatonic Times E-Mail: litchfieldeditor@ctcentral.com Fax: (860) 210-2150 Mail: |
Sherman Sentinel E-Mail: shermansentinel@mac.com Fax: Mail: |
Citizen News E-Mail: citizennews@aol.com Mail: |