From Chris:
I’m honored to have been endorsed by our Republican Town Committee to run for another term on New Milford’s Town Council. I believe my experience on Town Council, several town committees and Board of Finance provides the knowledge necessary to make educated judgements. This along with listening to members of the community, enables me to provide a unique perspective to our council.
We’ve made it through the worst of the pandemic. Certainly, there were many hardships, but as a town we came together and made sure no one fell through the cracks. I chaired the New Milford Sustainability Fund where our citizens donated generously and has helped many in our community, including first responders get through this financially.
Our fully renovated Library will reopen in late January. While maintaining the beautiful architecture and being a multi-generational presence on our gorgeous green, it will help educate all members of our community well into the 21st century.
We created and funded a new position in the Police Department – Community Care Coordinator to assist people with substance abuse, mental health and/or homelessness issues. This has been a home run. On the coldest nights with temperatures hovering around 0 degrees there were no homeless in New Milford to house. Plus, while overdoses all over Connecticut rose during the pandemic they dropped here in New Milford. This program is so successful it’s being piloted in other towns around Connecticut.
Our financial foundation is strong even after the forced shutdown of our economy. We received a AA+ rating from Standard & Poors and have had excellent feedback from our independent auditors. On top of that, we’ve been able to reduce our tax rate for 2 straight years.
We still have work to do. More roads to repair, clean up the Century Brass site, move DPW just to name a few. I want to continue to represent you and exercise good judgement to keep New Milford moving forward.
I will always do my homework as a Councilman and be open to discuss any topic with members of our community who are genuinely open to having a discussion. I am here to listen and serve the great citizens of New Milford and I hope you’ll allow me to continue serving by voting for me on November 2. Feel free to contact me anytime at